‘Adoptation’ - where adoptees belong

Over the past eight months, I’ve been co-facilitating an online monthly peer-group meet-up for adoptees. The idea was developed following an education video series I participated in with ICAV where we were supported with group catch ups to share our experiences.

Now, with Beti, Michelle and Mallika, we’ve kept the discussion going through our group we called ‘Adoptation’. We welcome all adoptees from around the world to join each month to meet other adoptees and share stories and experiences.

*Adoptation - where adoptees belong.*
This is a peer group support group for adult (18 years and older) inter-country and domestic adoptees. We are an Australian-based organising group but welcome those situated locally and around the world. This is an online space for adoptees to connect and share lived experiences with one another if you’d like to share, or you can join to listen and sit with the stories shared.

This is not a counselling session but we do provide some suggested resources if you need further support.

If you would like more information, or to join please visit this link: https://bit.ly/Adoptation


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